
Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Agree with most of what you said, will just add real fast that I don't think it is possible to get the Mark scene if you haven't told Holly to keep going to the gym, which removes nearly all of Ivy's interactions with her. Until the "no-gym" route gets an equivalent scene, I wouldn't say Lena is "corrupting" Holly, at most she accidentally makes her more influenceable and then lets Ivy do her thing, either because Lena agrees with Ivy's goals (if not her methods) or is too passive about the whole affair.
You are right about Holly not being able to hook up with Mark without going to the gym. But it doesn't necessarily have to do with Ivy's mean and blunt ideas influencing Holly but Holly and Ivy being friends. Mark is Ivy's friend, so of course Holly needs to go to the gym to be introduced to him, otherwise Ivy doesn't really give a damn about Holly. Even if they hung out that time on the path where Holly didn't go to the gym and Holly started wallowing in self-pity, Ivy would just dismiss her and try to change the topic instead of giving her any ideas.

On top of that, encourage_holly variable is what determines Holly's starting change, representing Holly's growing confidence. If Lena doesn't encourage her to go to the gym, the value for that variable decreases instead of staying the same, thus telling us that Holly is being discouraged by Lena from putting an effort. And if she's not willing to put some effort, she wouldn't even consider Ivy's ideas if Ivy brought them up.

Now, regarding her interactions with Ivy and how they contribute to her corruption (hooking up with Mark) vs Lena's influence.

To hook up with Mark, Holly needs:

1) holly_guy = 2 which is triggered automatically if Lena encouraged Holly to hang out with him and she didn't have sex with Holly, in which case it's only = 1 or 0 (if Lena tried to discourage Holly from meeting him in Ch 7). Lena can try to interrupt them from talking but it only works if holly_change < 4. If it's > 3, Holly prefers Mark's company and wants to keep chatting with him.

2) holly_change = 5 to agree to it if Lena is passive and allows her to make her own decision ("Let Holly decide"). Otherwise she rejects the idea despite Ivy's arguments. However, Lena can push her towards this idea, thus convincing Holly to go for it regardless of holly_change value. So Holly values Lena's input before doing anything Ivy tells her to do.

3) If Lena decides to protect Holly, regardless of other conditions, it completely stops Holly's interest in Mark (holly_guy = 0), even if she hooked up with Ivy and generally listens to her ideas.

So, if we ignore Lena suddenly protecting Holly here or pushing her (which could be argued as joint effort with Ivy rather than Holly listening exclusively to Lena). That leaves us with holly_guy = 2 and holly_change > 3 or holly_change > 5. Let's compare how many holly_change points are contributed by Ivy vs Lena vs Ian. Any point rewarded by Lena agreeing with Ivy or being passive in a situation where Ivy suggests an idea will be attributed to Ivy for the sake of fairness. It somewhat diminishes Lena's agency but whatever.

Ch 1:
- "Yes, she is" +1 to Ian

Ch 6 (holly_gym):
- "Comfort Holly / Let Ivy talk to her" +1 to either Lena / Ivy
- "Agree with Ivy" +1 to Ivy

Ch 7 (holly_gym):
- "She's a writer" +1 (3 max) to Lena - when talking to Marcel
- "Encourage Holly" +1 (3 max) to Ivy - when Ivy shows Mark's photo to Holly

Ch 8 (holly_gym):
- "Give me something strong" +1 (2 max) to Lena - when drinking at Ivy's place
- "Stay at Ivy's place and have another drink" +1 (1 max) to Lena
- "Strip to underwear" +1 (3 max) to Ivy (her idea)

Ch 10:
- "Nudge Holly" +1 (5 max) to Lena
- "Leave them to it" +1 (5 max) - This is tricky because it's Lena's decision to let them talk but Holly in this instance ends up being corrupted from talking to Mark with Ivy doing her own thing elsewhere. Unless you count Mark as an extension of Ivy, but it would completely rob Lena and Holly from agency because Ivy can't influence Holly enjoying Mark's company. Since Ivy is not directly influencing Holly here let's just not count it and award it to Holly herself.

1) Pitiful 1 point from Ian at the very start of the game. He gets to contribute more in his own path but since it's at odds with Holly hooking up with Mark I ignored those. Also he gets to contribute once more in Ch 10 but only if Holly doesn't go to gym so it's irrelevant here either.
3) Ivy: 3 (1 bonus that can't go beyond 3)
2) Lena: 3 (1 bonus that can't go beyond 3 and another that applies only if the score was 0).

So, we can see that Lena's and Ivy's influence rather match and Holly can only be corrupted by joint effort but it's besides the point. We only need Holly to hook up with Mark without choosing anything that would increase holly_change by Ivy's influence.
1) +1 "Yes, she is" by Ian
2) +1 "Comfort Holly" by Lena
3) +1 "She's a writer" by Lena
4) +1 "Nudge Holly" by Lena
5) +1 "Leave them to it" - passed the required threshold

And thus, Ian and Lena can contribute to Holly hooking up with Mark without Ivy having anything to do with it aside from orchestrating their interaction on her birthday. While sure, none of these options can really be attributed to corruption as on their own they're quite innocent and Holly simply becomes more confident in herself. But it's Lena helping Holly with her confidence in order to loosen up. It's not fair to say that she simply lets Ivy to do her thing because she can still reject some of Ivy's ideas and only go along with those that she thinks benefit Holly. Ivy simply can't corrupt Holly if Lena is being passive. Holly needs Lena's encouragement in order to be brave enough to go the extra mile.

Lena being protective of Holly in regards to Ian was less about the corruption and more about the heartbreak. I think that if you play your Lena to not be interested in romance anymore, her behavior in regards to pushing Holly into a one-night stand with Mark isn't really contradictory nor a sign of Lena's own corruption. Lena starts the game at a crossroads and uncertain about how she feels about the entire idea of finding love due to the heartbreak she had with Axel, she can simultaneously think the one-night stand with Ian was a bad idea because it would bring Holly pain while also think that the one-night stand with Mark is not a terrible idea because being able to have casual relationships without romantic feelings would be a good thing for Holly (although I think that no matter the scenario, Lena is always a bit shocked about Holly giving Mark a bj in their first date, rathen than impressed or proud)
Only, how can Lena be sure that Holly doesn't suffer heartbreak from Mark if she learned that he was simply playing with her because Ivy told him to? There's no confirmation that Holly simply uses Mark to get sexual experience. Sure, that's what Ivy tells her to do, but Holly can actually grow to enjoy talking with Mark and for all Lena knows, she could develop an equally strong crush just like she did with Ian. We don't know with what mindset Holly pursues her relationship with Mark. Sure, she partially wants to perform Ivy's tasks and gain more sexual experience, but in the path where she dates Ian, she can be doing the exact same thing with him, opening up to be more flirtatious and kinky, sending nudes, using dirty talk, etc. On top of it, Holly can relatively quickly fall in love with Lena after being rejected by Ian if they end up having sex. So with Mark she can feel similar emotions, using him to forget about Ian but simultaneously developing an equally strong crush.

The only branch where Lena is somewhat aware that Holly's fling with Mark is casual is if she had Holly had sex with either Lena or Ivy. In this branch she knows that by hooking up with Mark Holly will simply get more experience and that after tasting him she won't suddenly stop sleeping with Ivy or Lena. But if Holly has been dealing with her heartbreak on her own, Lena can't really be sure that Holly won't catch feelings for Mark or doesn't already have them. But she knows that Holly is a sweet and romantic girl, so it's weird that she wasn't as protective of her dating Mark, and regardless of how Ivy might present it and if Mark can deny that they have anything serious, Holly can see it as a getting-to-know phase, expecting something more in the future. And while we know that she probably won't be heartbroken if Mark treats her as a fuck buddy because unlike Louise she doesn't assume anything of the relationship before talking about it, but if Lena was so protective of Holly towards Ian, she most likely thinks that Holly can't handle casual relationships. With Ian, her arguments were mostly "But Holly is different", and not "She had a crush on you!". So what exactly happened that made Lena believe that Holly is not that different anymore and can now be okay with casual sex?

Also I think it is important for there to be a distinction between "corrupting" someone and just sharing your own opinion and being a part of another person's growth. Saying that any kind of influence is a form of corruption just because it resulted in change is a dangerous line of reasoning in my opinion, hence why I associate "corruption" more with coercion and manipulation than just the result of change.
I agree that not all influence is corruption especially if it's well-intentioned and mostly wholesome, but as I said earlier, corruption can be unintentional and accidental because it's not really about actions but the outcome, and can happen even without any active influence of the protagonist (or even other NPCs). Would you disagree that in GGGB Eva had a corruption arc? Because it was only triggered by Ash not warning her about Jack (a passive choice), and Jack didn't really coerce or manipulate Eva in any way, he simply hit on her and let her do what she wanted without any judgment. And with that, she dove head-first into cheating, drugs, hanging out with thugs, etc, completely on her own (well, with the help of Jack and later thugs that benefited from her thrill-seeking).


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2018
What do you think will happen with Wade if he break up with Cindy?
If Ian doesn't fuck her, he is depressed, but Ian and Perry can pull him out of it and he does e-sport and fucks gamer girls.
If Ian steals her, he is depressed and Perry alone can't pull him out of it.

He doesn't get an elaborated view and ending, because he isn't a dateable side-character like Stan. Wade is more of an asset of Cindy's subplot rather than his own deal.


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
What do you think will happen with Wade if he break up with Cindy?
Due to chapter 10 reaction, he's a potential Ivy prospect if Ian has still done enough to help pull Wade out of his rut while failing to save their relationship. Depending on if Ian is going for Ivy or not.

Wouldn't be too surprised if he's a later-game Lena option if he's improved himself, too.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
You are right about Holly not being able to hook up with Mark without going to the gym. But it doesn't necessarily have to do with Ivy's mean and blunt ideas influencing Holly but Holly and Ivy being friends. Mark is Ivy's friend, so of course Holly needs to go to the gym to be introduced to him, otherwise Ivy doesn't really give a damn about Holly. Even if they hung out that time on the path where Holly didn't go to the gym and Holly started wallowing in self-pity, Ivy would just dismiss her and try to change the topic instead of giving her any ideas.

On top of that, encourage_holly variable is what determines Holly's starting change, representing Holly's growing confidence. If Lena doesn't encourage her to go to the gym, the value for that variable decreases instead of staying the same, thus telling us that Holly is being discouraged by Lena from putting an effort. And if she's not willing to put some effort, she wouldn't even consider Ivy's ideas if Ivy brought them up.

Now, regarding her interactions with Ivy and how they contribute to her corruption (hooking up with Mark) vs Lena's influence.

To hook up with Mark, Holly needs:

1) holly_guy = 2 which is triggered automatically if Lena encouraged Holly to hang out with him and she didn't have sex with Holly, in which case it's only = 1 or 0 (if Lena tried to discourage Holly from meeting him in Ch 7). Lena can try to interrupt them from talking but it only works if holly_change < 4. If it's > 3, Holly prefers Mark's company and wants to keep chatting with him.

2) holly_change = 5 to agree to it if Lena is passive and allows her to make her own decision ("Let Holly decide"). Otherwise she rejects the idea despite Ivy's arguments. However, Lena can push her towards this idea, thus convincing Holly to go for it regardless of holly_change value. So Holly values Lena's input before doing anything Ivy tells her to do.

3) If Lena decides to protect Holly, regardless of other conditions, it completely stops Holly's interest in Mark (holly_guy = 0), even if she hooked up with Ivy and generally listens to her ideas.

So, if we ignore Lena suddenly protecting Holly here or pushing her (which could be argued as joint effort with Ivy rather than Holly listening exclusively to Lena). That leaves us with holly_guy = 2 and holly_change > 3 or holly_change > 5. Let's compare how many holly_change points are contributed by Ivy vs Lena vs Ian. Any point rewarded by Lena agreeing with Ivy or being passive in a situation where Ivy suggests an idea will be attributed to Ivy for the sake of fairness. It somewhat diminishes Lena's agency but whatever.

Ch 1:
- "Yes, she is" +1 to Ian

Ch 6 (holly_gym):
- "Comfort Holly / Let Ivy talk to her" +1 to either Lena / Ivy
- "Agree with Ivy" +1 to Ivy

Ch 7 (holly_gym):
- "She's a writer" +1 (3 max) to Lena - when talking to Marcel
- "Encourage Holly" +1 (3 max) to Ivy - when Ivy shows Mark's photo to Holly

Ch 8 (holly_gym):
- "Give me something strong" +1 (2 max) to Lena - when drinking at Ivy's place
- "Stay at Ivy's place and have another drink" +1 (1 max) to Lena
- "Strip to underwear" +1 (3 max) to Ivy (her idea)

Ch 10:
- "Nudge Holly" +1 (5 max) to Lena
- "Leave them to it" +1 (5 max) - This is tricky because it's Lena's decision to let them talk but Holly in this instance ends up being corrupted from talking to Mark with Ivy doing her own thing elsewhere. Unless you count Mark as an extension of Ivy, but it would completely rob Lena and Holly from agency because Ivy can't influence Holly enjoying Mark's company. Since Ivy is not directly influencing Holly here let's just not count it and award it to Holly herself.

1) Pitiful 1 point from Ian at the very start of the game. He gets to contribute more in his own path but since it's at odds with Holly hooking up with Mark I ignored those. Also he gets to contribute once more in Ch 10 but only if Holly doesn't go to gym so it's irrelevant here either.
3) Ivy: 3 (1 bonus that can't go beyond 3)
2) Lena: 3 (1 bonus that can't go beyond 3 and another that applies only if the score was 0).

So, we can see that Lena's and Ivy's influence rather match and Holly can only be corrupted by joint effort but it's besides the point. We only need Holly to hook up with Mark without choosing anything that would increase holly_change by Ivy's influence.
1) +1 "Yes, she is" by Ian
2) +1 "Comfort Holly" by Lena
3) +1 "She's a writer" by Lena
4) +1 "Nudge Holly" by Lena
5) +1 "Leave them to it" - passed the required threshold

And thus, Ian and Lena can contribute to Holly hooking up with Mark without Ivy having anything to do with it aside from orchestrating their interaction on her birthday. While sure, none of these options can really be attributed to corruption as on their own they're quite innocent and Holly simply becomes more confident in herself. But it's Lena helping Holly with her confidence in order to loosen up. It's not fair to say that she simply lets Ivy to do her thing because she can still reject some of Ivy's ideas and only go along with those that she thinks benefit Holly. Ivy simply can't corrupt Holly if Lena is being passive. Holly needs Lena's encouragement in order to be brave enough to go the extra mile.

Only, how can Lena be sure that Holly doesn't suffer heartbreak from Mark if she learned that he was simply playing with her because Ivy told him to? There's no confirmation that Holly simply uses Mark to get sexual experience. Sure, that's what Ivy tells her to do, but Holly can actually grow to enjoy talking with Mark and for all Lena knows, she could develop an equally strong crush just like she did with Ian. We don't know with what mindset Holly pursues her relationship with Mark. Sure, she partially wants to perform Ivy's tasks and gain more sexual experience, but in the path where she dates Ian, she can be doing the exact same thing with him, opening up to be more flirtatious and kinky, sending nudes, using dirty talk, etc. On top of it, Holly can relatively quickly fall in love with Lena after being rejected by Ian if they end up having sex. So with Mark she can feel similar emotions, using him to forget about Ian but simultaneously developing an equally strong crush.

The only branch where Lena is somewhat aware that Holly's fling with Mark is casual is if she had Holly had sex with either Lena or Ivy. In this branch she knows that by hooking up with Mark Holly will simply get more experience and that after tasting him she won't suddenly stop sleeping with Ivy or Lena. But if Holly has been dealing with her heartbreak on her own, Lena can't really be sure that Holly won't catch feelings for Mark or doesn't already have them. But she knows that Holly is a sweet and romantic girl, so it's weird that she wasn't as protective of her dating Mark, and regardless of how Ivy might present it and if Mark can deny that they have anything serious, Holly can see it as a getting-to-know phase, expecting something more in the future. And while we know that she probably won't be heartbroken if Mark treats her as a fuck buddy because unlike Louise she doesn't assume anything of the relationship before talking about it, but if Lena was so protective of Holly towards Ian, she most likely thinks that Holly can't handle casual relationships. With Ian, her arguments were mostly "But Holly is different", and not "She had a crush on you!". So what exactly happened that made Lena believe that Holly is not that different anymore and can now be okay with casual sex?

I agree that not all influence is corruption especially if it's well-intentioned and mostly wholesome, but as I said earlier, corruption can be unintentional and accidental because it's not really about actions but the outcome, and can happen even without any active influence of the protagonist (or even other NPCs). Would you disagree that in GGGB Eva had a corruption arc? Because it was only triggered by Ash not warning her about Jack (a passive choice), and Jack didn't really coerce or manipulate Eva in any way, he simply hit on her and let her do what she wanted without any judgment. And with that, she dove head-first into cheating, drugs, hanging out with thugs, etc, completely on her own (well, with the help of Jack and later thugs that benefited from her thrill-seeking).
I think my only main point of disagreement with your logic is that you are associating all influence with just what's decided through the mechanical choices in a videogame, rather than what can be inferred from the relationship between the characters even without player input or direct observation by the protagonist. Saying that we can't pin more influence to characters like Ivy or Jack because the game doesn't mechanically keep track of what they do beyond that which the player can control through their choices doesn't really make sense because they are NPCs, their behavior is set on stone and the dev doesn't need to have variables to keep track of that.

What I mean is, as long as Holly's corruption to a promiscuous level that directly contradicts her established values is only possible in the route where she befriends Ivy, then you can't say Ivy had no influence just because it may be technically possible to gain all the required mechanical points without relying on her.

Regarding GGGB, my point would be that we barely see the interactions between Eva and Jack, we don't know exactly how Jack got into her head when he was "simply hitting on her". Yes Jack will say to you that he didn't do anything and only let Eva do what she wanted all along, but that's exactly the type of rationale a playboy that is extremely protective of his ego would have as his prerogative to avoid all responsability. Jack is extremely manipulative, he just isn't obsessive so he is okay with letting go if random girls give him the definitive "no", which you can fault Eva for failing to do if you don't warn her, but Eva is meant to be a malleable character in GGGB so her being extremely influenceable and, quite frankly, "corruption-bait" is just part of her design. Also add Ethan to the list of corrupting characters that claim innocence but really shouldn't be trusted, as much as he talks about "just helping Ash's mom do all the things she always secretly wanted" and "being in love with her", unless Ash is there to spice up their relationship then he always dumps her in the end like she was a broken toy, I think that says plenty about how much he actually cared for her well-being and self-improvement.

Oliver Wendell Homely

Active Member
May 9, 2020
Due to chapter 10 reaction, he's a potential Ivy prospect if Ian has still done enough to help pull Wade out of his rut while failing to save their relationship. Depending on if Ian is going for Ivy or not.

Wouldn't be too surprised if he's a later-game Lena option if he's improved himself, too.
I guess you're being serious, but as he is now, I can't see Wade being a viable option for anyone in this game, certainly not Ivy. Maybe if Wade wins one of his gaming competitions and becomes rich...? Short of that, he's akin to Stan with a more outgoing personality.
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Geralt From Rivia

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 15, 2022
Due to chapter 10 reaction, he's a potential Ivy prospect if Ian has still done enough to help pull Wade out of his rut while failing to save their relationship. Depending on if Ian is going for Ivy or not.

Wouldn't be too surprised if he's a later-game Lena option if he's improved himself, too.
What we saw in Ep 10 is Ivy's usual behavior - flirting and teasing. But something serious Ivy/Wade? He's just out of her league and I have no idea what and how can help this guy. Unfortunately, he just goes with the flow in his comfort zone and is not going to change anything.
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Forum Fanatic
Apr 25, 2020
Wade would have to make a 180 to be with Ivy, he didn't like Cindy doing charm photos, so Ivy... But it's possible if his breakup with Cindy made him realize things.


Jul 5, 2022
Also, the characters in ORS have more agency than in most other similar games, and at least more than the classical "corrupted" character. In its most basic sense, I'd say the trope consists of a development that goes something like this:

A (young) woman, prim and proper, is a virgin, considers sex to be disgusting (there's some slack to where the starting point is) -> accidentally sees a dick or someone having sex -> still finds it disgusting -> the same thing happens, is somewhat intrigued -> is coerced to touch said dick -> gives a handjob -> gives a blowjob -> vaginal sex -> anal sex -> is gangbanged by whoever is willing to fuck her, while screaming things like "fuck me, I need more cocks inside of me, I'm just a cheap whore". Yeah.

The bad girl route in GGGB relied on that structure as well, even if Ashley skipped some of the earlier steps of The Mindless Fuckdoll Ladder. My impression is that character "corruption" in this sense implies that the character's primal, hidden desires together with the influence of other character(s) always ends up with a knockout win in the duel against against the character's rational self. (And the corrupted character is most likely unaware of that side of themselves at the start of story.) With Lena, and Holly for that matter, that external influence could never be as dominating because they're more fleshed out as characters already, and the classical corrupting influence is already an integrated part of them. Lena too can do things her rational self doesn't want her to do, but if she does, she's still following urges that she's also followed in the past.

I don't doubt that Lena too will have the chance to end up somewhere similar in ten chapters time, it just won't be as straightforward a path. More friction. More agency. Which is good in my opinion, but probably not if you're looking for a straightforward corruption story. It's similar to the everlasting NTR discussion: It's not like Lena unconditionally loves cheating on Ian, and Ian loves watching or fantasising about Lena sleeping with other guys—it's much more messy than that. If everybody agreed during these discussions, it would probably mean that all the porn tropes were played out without any friction or anything more added. Which, in my view, would've been boring.
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Jan 6, 2019
Due to chapter 10 reaction, he's a potential Ivy prospect
Dude, Wade has all the charisma and charm of a potato, and no money - Ivy wouldn't be interested.

As for Lena getting together with him? That'd be entirely up to player agency - but even then likely only if you've made Lena slutty and she has a one night stand or something with him.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
I think my only main point of disagreement with your logic is that you are associating all influence with just what's decided through the mechanical choices in a videogame, rather than what can be inferred from the relationship between the characters even without player input or direct observation by the protagonist. Saying that we can't pin more influence to characters like Ivy or Jack because the game doesn't mechanically keep track of what they do beyond that which the player can control through their choices doesn't really make sense because they are NPCs, their behavior is set on stone and the dev doesn't need to have variables to keep track of that.

What I mean is, as long as Holly's corruption to a promiscuous level that directly contradicts her established values is only possible in the route where she befriends Ivy, then you can't say Ivy had no influence just because it may be technically possible to gain all the required mechanical points without relying on her.
You got me on that, call it professional deformation. However, your main argument was that corruption was happening only through manipulation or coercion, so I was disproving that.

If Ivy was the only one contributing to Holly's corruption thanks to her manipulation, how would you explain that Ivy's same mean and coercive suggestions even with encouragement from Lena are rendered completely useless if Holly is dating Ian? Obviously it's not enough, Holly needs to be in the right mindset to be okay with those suggestions, and that mindset is affected by primarily Ian and Lena (even if they were NPCs).

It wasn't my intention to diminish Ivy's clearly significant role in Holly's corruption, only to showcase that Lena's role as a gentle guiding force is much more important (if Ian rejected her obviously) to Holly's corruption and she doesn't need to resort to manipulation or coercion, only encouragement but ultimately allowing Holly to make her own decisions. Ivy provides opportunities, sure, but whether Holly takes those opportunities and listens to Ivy's advice is mainly decided by Lena's direct or indirect influence because Holly always looks up to Lena as an example and she values her words over Ivy's. I hope that I managed to make myself clear at least on that.

To summarize my points:
1) Is Ivy the main instigator for Holly's corruption? Yes, no argument here.
2) Can Ivy corrupt Holly on her own however? No, if Lena doesn't encourage Holly or chooses to mind her business it doesn't work, Holly also requires Lena's reassurance
3) Is Ivy's opinion more important to Holly than Lena's? No, Holly does what Lena tells her to do for the most part, easily stopping any corruption that was in the process.

Regarding GGGB, my point would be that we barely see the interactions between Eva and Jack, we don't know exactly how Jack got into her head when he was "simply hitting on her". Yes Jack will say to you that he didn't do anything and only let Eva do what she wanted all along, but that's exactly the type of rationale a playboy that is extremely protective of his ego would have as his prerogative to avoid all responsability.
I'm just projecting his interaction with Ash to Eva because I doubt he'd treat them all that differently. With Ash he didn't really resort to any coercion or manipulation. He was obnoxiously flirtatious, asking for selfies, and sending unsolicited dick pics, sure, but it's a creepy asshole behavior, not really manipulation. He probably made Eva drink a lot just like he wanted to do with Ash, and then he kissed her. An asshole move, but after that interaction Eva was free to avoid him like a plague if she was really a "good naive girl that fell into his trap". No, the next morning she defends her behavior and basically says YOLO, having no regrets or second thoughts, and even gets mad at Ash if she doesn't enable that behavior. Jack probably said to Eva that it wasn't a big deal to cheat on her boyfriend, but it's straight-forward seduction move which wouldn't work on a girl who wasn't already thinking about cheating so I don't think he really corrupted Eva. If it was all him, at worst she could believe that she was having an affair with Jack, which would stroke her ego, but then she starts flirting with creepy thugs and even fucking them for no other reason than thrill. Who told her that it's okay to be promiscuous? Nobody did, she simply got hooked to the freedom that the cheating lifestyle offered her and she had no intention of stopping, becoming more eager and curious to try the shady stuff. If Jack started a spark, Eva herself kept blowing at the fire and going against her old moral principles.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
What we saw in Ep 10 is Ivy's usual behavior - flirting and teasing. But something serious Ivy/Wade? He's just out of her league and I have no idea what and how can help this guy. Unfortunately, he just goes with the flow in his comfort zone and is not going to change anything.
Wade is in Ivy's league simply for dating Cindy who is above Ivy's league (proven by Wildcats). And we all know Ivy is a sore loser, so she might use Wade to somehow fuck with Cindy's life.


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
I guess you're being serious, but as he is now, I can't see Wade being a viable option for anyone in this game, certainly not Ivy. Maybe if Wade wins one of his gaming competitions and becomes rich...? Short of that, he's akin to Stan with a more outgoing personality.
What we saw in Ep 10 is Ivy's usual behavior - flirting and teasing. But something serious Ivy/Wade? He's just out of her league and I have no idea what and how can help this guy. Unfortunately, he just goes with the flow in his comfort zone and is not going to change anything.
It's a game but it's a story. People change in stories. They get into and out of ruts, ect. Surprising things happen in stories. That's all part of what makes a story interesting. Challenges and possibilities. This isn't something unbelievable a la "guess you're being serious". These are possibilities, not definites. But you've got to read the foreshadowing a bit and have at least a little imagination. Ever heard of a "cave moment" in story structure?

1. Clearly there's an Arc path for Wade improving himself rather than wasting away at home, even if it is pro-Esports. Was also once in shape and could be so again on a positive path. Would make him the second most attractive male character behind Axel, with the facial features Eva chose for him. He was after all attractive and "winner" enough previously to rope in Cindy and I'd assume Eva gave him those features for a reason.

2. Ivy was clearly into him spotting him at the bar in Chapter 10, at least on the paths I played, and as BloodyMares suggested, sex is also not out of the realm of her cat-and-mouse games.

3. Lena prospect more of a stretch but not out of the realm of possibilities, especially on a path where Ian is putting a dicking into Cindy while going out with Lena. Definite potential for a "Just Deserts" ending for the two of them, with the cheated-on showing up the cheaters.

4. Have you played GGGB? The majority of the characters had the opportunity to change their direction drastically from the beginning to the end of the story and most of them got fucked in both literally good and proverbially bad ways depending on your choices. Kind of par for the course. Basically, I don't see how this is odd.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
You got me on that, call it professional deformation. However, your main argument was that corruption was happening only through manipulation or coercion, so I was disproving that.

If Ivy was the only one contributing to Holly's corruption thanks to her manipulation, how would you explain that Ivy's same mean and coercive suggestions even with encouragement from Lena are rendered completely useless if Holly is dating Ian? Obviously it's not enough, Holly needs to be in the right mindset to be okay with those suggestions, and that mindset is affected by primarily Ian and Lena (even if they were NPCs).

It wasn't my intention to diminish Ivy's clearly significant role in Holly's corruption, only to showcase that Lena's role as a gentle guiding force is much more important (if Ian rejected her obviously) to Holly's corruption and she doesn't need to resort to manipulation or coercion, only encouragement but ultimately allowing Holly to make her own decisions. Ivy provides opportunities, sure, but whether Holly takes those opportunities and listens to Ivy's advice is mainly decided by Lena's direct or indirect influence because Holly always looks up to Lena as an example and she values her words over Ivy's. I hope that I managed to make myself clear at least on that.

To summarize my points:
1) Is Ivy the main instigator for Holly's corruption? Yes, no argument here.
2) Can Ivy corrupt Holly on her own however? No, if Lena doesn't encourage Holly or chooses to mind her business it doesn't work, Holly also requires Lena's reassurance
3) Is Ivy's opinion more important to Holly than Lena's? No, Holly does what Lena tells her to do for the most part, easily stopping any corruption that was in the process.
I understand what you are saying, I agree that Ian and Lena are a fundamental part of any transformations Holly goes through because their soft influence is what gets her to come out of her shell in the first place. Even if she had somehow met Ivy without Lena, she wouldn't really listen to anything Ivy says because Holly's "shell" and Ivy's rather aggressive attitude would have inevitably driven a wedge between them.

But even if they are a fundamental prerequisite for Holly to go through any kind of change, I wouldn't call Ian and Lena's influence in getting Holly out of her shell to be a "corruptive" one if all they are doing is offering different perspectives and trying to support her with her self-esteem issues. They might leave her in a more influenceable state but I wouldn't call that "corruption" until they start pressuring her in the same way Ivy does. I do agree that in the scenarios where Lena leases her credibility to Ivy's plans that in some degree she is responsible for Holly's corruption, even if she wasn't the architect behind it.
I'm just projecting his interaction with Ash to Eva because I doubt he'd treat them all that differently. With Ash he didn't really resort to any coercion or manipulation. He was obnoxiously flirtatious, asking for selfies, and sending unsolicited dick pics, sure, but it's a creepy asshole behavior, not really manipulation. He probably made Eva drink a lot just like he wanted to do with Ash, and then he kissed her. An asshole move, but after that interaction Eva was free to avoid him like a plague if she was really a "good naive girl that fell into his trap". No, the next morning she defends her behavior and basically says YOLO, having no regrets or second thoughts, and even gets mad at Ash if she doesn't enable that behavior. Jack probably said to Eva that it wasn't a big deal to cheat on her boyfriend, but it's straight-forward seduction move which wouldn't work on a girl who wasn't already thinking about cheating so I don't think he really corrupted Eva. If it was all him, at worst she could believe that she was having an affair with Jack, which would stroke her ego, but then she starts flirting with creepy thugs and even fucking them for no other reason than thrill. Who told her that it's okay to be promiscuous? Nobody did, she simply got hooked to the freedom that the cheating lifestyle offered her and she had no intention of stopping, becoming more eager and curious to try the shady stuff. If Jack started a spark, Eva herself kept blowing at the fire and going against her old moral principles.
Jack gets a bit more shady if you play the scenario where Ash cheats on Eric with him early on but then regrets it and tries to stay away from Jack. He starts being more pushy with arguments like she's just lying to herself, that she felt more alive with Jack than she does with Eric, etc etc. I agree he isn't so bad if you play an Ash that keeps to her boundaries with him from the start or an Ash that gives herself fully with no regrets, but we really don't know how things played out with Eva to say he didn't do some manipulation, which he is very capable of doing.

Also it is really difficult to make a serious character analysis of Eva, like I said she's very malleable. With relatively few interactions from the player she can range from loyal girfriend to Dave, to Ash's lesbian waifu or hardcore submissive, to BBC addicted quasi-bimbo, to junkie cumdumpster of a bunch of gangsters, etc. I don't think you can say all of that was always in her from the start like Jack tries to argue, maybe she's just not a very cohesively written character, or at best her insecurities made her very influenceable by whoever happened to be in a position to manipulate her. Also to be clear none of this is meant to be an excuse for Eva's cheating and other terrible things she can do, being weak-willed may be a cause for a lack of moral integrity, but it is not an excuse.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2023
Also it is really difficult to make a serious character analysis of Eva, like I said she's very malleable. With relatively few interactions from the player she can range from loyal girfriend to Dave, to Ash's lesbian waifu or hardcore submissive, to BBC addicted quasi-bimbo, to junkie cumdumpster of a bunch of gangsters, etc. I don't think you can say all of that was always in her from the start like Jack tries to argue, maybe she's just not a very cohesively written character, or at best her insecurities made her very influenceable by whoever happened to be in a position to manipulate her. Also to be clear none of this is meant to be an excuse for Eva's cheating and other terrible things she can do, being weak-willed may be a cause for a lack of moral integrity, but it is not an excuse.
I think it's hard to make a character analysis of Eva because most of her storylines are the weakest of any of the major characters in GGGB. Like you said, it requires very little input from Ash to get Eva to a specific result other than the BBC bimbo, which requires a modicum of encouragement from Ash. Eva's fall pales in comparison to Jess or Jack's redemptions because it happens so fast whereas with the later two we see them realize that perhaps they are missing something in their lives and that their lifestyles aren't sustainable, eventually turning it around. Eva's downfall is snort some coke at a party, cum dumpster for a gang the next. No variable to get her and Jack to hookup, she never becomes friends with Jess even though their lifestyles and personalities are similar, etc.
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Engaged Member
Oct 17, 2019
You got me on that, call it professional deformation. However, your main argument was that corruption was happening only through manipulation or coercion, so I was disproving that.

If Ivy was the only one contributing to Holly's corruption thanks to her manipulation, how would you explain that Ivy's same mean and coercive suggestions even with encouragement from Lena are rendered completely useless if Holly is dating Ian? Obviously it's not enough, Holly needs to be in the right mindset to be okay with those suggestions, and that mindset is affected by primarily Ian and Lena (even if they were NPCs).

It wasn't my intention to diminish Ivy's clearly significant role in Holly's corruption, only to showcase that Lena's role as a gentle guiding force is much more important (if Ian rejected her obviously) to Holly's corruption and she doesn't need to resort to manipulation or coercion, only encouragement but ultimately allowing Holly to make her own decisions. Ivy provides opportunities, sure, but whether Holly takes those opportunities and listens to Ivy's advice is mainly decided by Lena's direct or indirect influence because Holly always looks up to Lena as an example and she values her words over Ivy's. I hope that I managed to make myself clear at least on that.
I mean he is kinda right a little bit if holly want to be like ivy and is single I am not really sure if I would call that corruption if its her dream to be like ivy or lena.

The thing that I would call corruption is if holly is in her dream relationship with ian and than somehow slowly gets pushed by lena and ivy into a dircetion that she first feels very uncomfortable with but than slowly starts to enjoy it and becomes more and more daring and her lust get over her head and feelings thats what I would call corruption.

or if cindy more and more gets pushed to test her limits by axel/ivy even if she is in a relationship with ian or wade same with alison and so on....

I dont now if I would call a single women that wants to be like lena gets pushed a little bit corruption but we are only in chapter 10 so there are a lot of things that COULD happen in the future so i would be very careful to compare it to GGGB at the moment.I just hope eva dosent make a time skip because that would destroy all the fundation for the story lines that she layed out at the moment.

Wade is in Ivy's league simply for dating Cindy who is above Ivy's league (proven by Wildcats). And we all know Ivy is a sore loser, so she might use Wade to somehow fuck with Cindy's life.
I think ivy and cindy are in the same league and to be honest they both have the same personalitie

-normaly get everything they want with a finger snap
-both incredible hot like the lead cheerleader
-both have a big ego
-both seem to get bitchy if things dont go their way
-both all about winning
-both sore losers
and so on.......

they have very simmular personalities thats why I am very hyped about the drama between them and I am very courous
what mean thing ivy has in her box of tricks for cindy it will be the best drama and catfight ever:devilish::devilish::devilish: I have very high hopes for the mud fight between them and I hope that hate relationship/competition will go on for long time and will be a option to push cindy down the corruption hole.
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